Saturday, October 18, 2008


So yesterday I went on a camp-out with the troop. We went over to Florence Marina State Park and Providence Canyon State Park. We got there and then went around and explored the Marina.After that, we went and set up camp and then prepared our dinner. We had fresh fish brother Thibault had recently caught. And when I say fresh, I mean with scales, guts, and everything. We learned how to scale and clean a fish. It was quite gross. And then it started.
Heavenly water started falling from the sky. It was raining. At first it wasn't bad, and so we went to the campsite and got the fire going. Once the fire got going, we prepared the second part of our dinner. We had hobo dinners, which is meat, with vegetables mixed in, wrapped in tin-foil. All you have to do is just wait for 15 minutes, and you have a perfectly cooked peice of meat. While we were waiting for our food to cook, Bro. Burns was frying the fish we cleaned. After everything was done cooking, we ate, and boy did we eat. The food was great, better than some food you get in resteraunts. After that, the rain really started coming down. We went out and was playing in the rain, but after a little bit it was getting to cold for everyone but me. I took my shirt off and kept playing in the rain. Although, because of serious back problems I'm suffering through right now, I couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted. Oh, by the way, this brings up one of my pet peeves. At the park, every wherever you look, all you could see was white. Big white things with wheels and windows, and satellites sticking out of roofs. That's right, im talking about RVs. Gosh I hate those things. No, actually I hate the people that use those things. They say they're camping, but all they are doing is staying in a temporary home. Seriously, why do people even buy houses, when they have RVs? That is not camping, that is luxury hobo living. I thought of all this when I was sitting on the back of the truck looking in the window of a person's RV, trying to figure out what they were watching on TV. (By the way, it was the news.) So after we spent some time out in the rain, I decided to finally go to sleep. It was 8:30ish, and because of my back, I couldn't really do anything, so i got changed and was ready to lay down. That's when I realized I didn't have my sleeping bag. I didn't even have a blanket. So I had to curl up on the hard dirt, and use my bag as a pillow. It didn't work well. So I was lying down for about three hours or so, never fallnig asleep, when it really got exciting. Two of the scouts got a little wet surprise when they climbed in to bed. At about that time, the rain was coming down hardest, and it ended up getting under their tent. Everything they had was completely soaked! I was lucky and got a spot that stayed completely dry. When we took the tents down in the morning, there was a big rectangle of dry ground under where I slept. They ended up getting Bro. Thibault's tent, and Bro. Thibault slept in his truck. I had been thinking about getting in the truck or in the Scout trailer, but never did. So from 12:30 to about 3:00 it was kinda quiet and I think I dozed off a little bit then. But that was the only sleep I got. At 3:30 or so, I kept rolling around trying to be comfortable, but just couldn't. So I decided I would go out and make a fire, and just sit out there. So I grabbed my knife and fire starter, put on my hats (note the plural) and put on my three pairs of socks. I walked outside, and Bro. Thibault was out there too. We got the fire started, and then sat in front of the fire for a little bit. After a while, Bro. thibault got up and climbed into his truck again, and went to sleep. So I curled up and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep, but evertime I did I had this overpowering urge that something was right behind me, and I couldn't fall asleep. So from about 4:00 to 7:30, the onlything I did was wait for the sun to finally rise. After everyone was awake, we ate our breakfast, and prepared to leave. I walked into the restroom building,(which is also a laundromat, so sickening) and discovered Heaven. There right against the wall, was a huge, very cushiony couch. I could of come in there and gone to sleep. I was upset, to say the least. So after that, we left and went to Providence Canyon, and spent some time walking the trails, and exploring. Then we left and finally headed for home. Needless to say, I slept the whole way.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bloody mess

Well, as you porbably haven't heard, or you might, I wouldn't know I hurt myself Tuesday morning. It was at the beginning of Weight training, and Coach had us run a lap. Since it was football day, when didn't have a time limit. I was walking down, and then this kid runs by and says," Haha, I'm going to beat you!" Of course, I Jed Seaman, had to take the challenge. I never allow myself to give up a challenge. So I took off, running on the balls of my feet. He was about twenty feet ahead, but I was able to catch up to him quickly. We full out ran, heading for the stairs. We reached the stairs still running, and he jumped to avoid the ditch. Since he jumped, I had no where to go except to run through the ditch. So I stepped so that I could run up the hill through the ditch, when my foot landed on a slick spot of grass. I slipped, still going extremely fast. I fell and skidded across the concrete. I rolled over a stood up, laughing and my mis-step. Thats when I noticed that there was a hole in my knee. The hole was about a half centimeter deep, two centimeters long, and about half a centimeter wide. I could see the white flesh under my skin. I poked it to see if it was a hole, and it was. I didn't feel anything, and it hadn't started bleeding yet, so I figured it was fine. But then it did start to bleed. It never bled a lot, just enough to cover the wound. I went to the bathroom, looking for paper towels, but there were none, so I settled on toilet paper. I went to the coach and should him, and he sent me to the nurse. She looked at it and said it probably would need stitches. Around that time is when it finally started hurting. It was burning like crazy, like someone had a hot knife in my knee. She was cleaning it, and what was funny was that, I saw her rubbing stuff on my leg, but I never felt it. After she put the antibiotic ointment on, she put on some butterfly bandages to hold it closed, and wrapped it up. I then had to leave the bandage on for 2 days, and couldn't take it off, even for showers! It was horrible. So all in all, I was pretty lucky. As a famous person would say, "It's just a flesh wound!" I still haven't gone to the hospital for anything serious. If I had to say what the worst part of the whole experience was, I would have to say, taking off the bandages. That was twice as worse as getting the wound. This is one of the times I kinda wish that it will scar. I have this thing about scars. I think they are cool, unless they're from something stupid, but never want to intentionally get a scar. of course, if I did scar everytime I got hurt, I probably would have scars all over the place. But anyway, I just wanted to keep ya up to date, so bye.

