Monday, January 5, 2009

The Wonderful Cat

So as everyone who has ever had a cat, and maybe even some other people, cats love to come up and just snuggle in your lap. Especially when you are trying to do something else, like read a book, fold clothes, or do something on the computer. Well, good ole Morpheus/Shanks/Cat didn't let me down.
For the past few nights, the cat and dog have been in the computer room with me. This causes a problem for the cat. She can not go off and sleep somewhere comfortable because the dog would bother her if she moved. She she had to settle with either sitting in my lap while I'm typing, Standing in front of the screen when I'm playing a game, or chasing the cursor around, trying to figure out how to get it.

1 comment:

Nancy Seaman said...

She only pays attention to you because I am not in the house much anymore.Maybe you should take litter box duties back over.

